Sunday, January 15, 2012

my best Friend "Boots and Me"

Boots she was my best friend she was there for me for 15 years in a half!

This is the Story of our life "Together" y'all can read or not i dont care but im writing this cause i feel like it...
I was about 10 years old when i gotten boots from my dad. He gotten her from old lady in a wheel cheer that live close by my uncle bill when i walk to the store she would always bark at me lol funny how things turn out it was like our destiny was meant to meet... But she run up and down the fence line barking at me i thought it was funny when i got back to uncle bills it was time to go i wave at the old lady bye.. She wave back and boots still continues to bark at me but one day i went to my best friends house Crystal Wales (Crystal Greene) i had blast with my best friend but it was time to go home when i got home Dad pulled up with same dog that was barking at me that live with the old lady in the wheel chair.. My dad told me that the old lady said that he could have her and i was thinking he didnt talk her out of giving her this dog did he? Then he told me i can keep her but i was more worried about mom what would she say? then mom said it was okay to keep her... I brought her in the room she ran and hide the first thing she did well... Me and her gotten used to one another we became really close friends. We went every where together to the river, camping etc.. you name it we done it... when i was so mad!! she was there to listen to me when i was upset she there...throu the years we always been together she had my heart..i remember some weird lady thought i said she could have her and i wasn't home and i was at my best friend house she came to the house tried to take boots away but boots didnt hardy go to anybody...only to my brother came to get me...and i had to tell that lady no she cant have boots only a puppy from her... You know i would even kill some body over that dog no kidding my sister's retarded husband i dunno if u can call him husband or whatever but his drug head i cant say no names cause of my dad...Cough... he tried kicking at her i was behind him i seen it i got hot headed real Quick i went in house real fast and i told my sister and mom if he tries kicking boots one more damn time it'll be the last damn time he ever dose...but the sad thing is i didn't see the shot gun behind the door and it was loaded..And he was safe at the time and my sister had to go tell him for his on good... "I had Love for Boots so Deeply she was like my child" time went by we stayed together.. There's even times i went far way with out her yes i was depress cause i couldnt see her cause she wasn't at my side and i couldnt talk to her...and it was the same for her...when i got back we was so happy to see one another it was like giving a child candy...haha.. im so overly protective over her she was the same with me...times grow longer I've gotten older and she has gotten old she was goin blind...but she acted like a pup. She was my Best friend that i can always talk to when im driving in my truck ppl prob think im crazy cause im talking to myself but really im talking to my best friend boots she maybe cant talk but she a good listener she help me throu alot this past years but when the times grow longer she gotten old i never realize she was sick until it was late to do anything about it.. I had to put her asleep and she looked at me and kept on staring at me she didnt want to leave my side but i had to tell her its okay to go but it was a white lie i didnt want her to go...but yet i didnt want her to suffer either...when she died it killed me as well...cause she toke my heart along with her...yet i blame myself for not realize it but yet i dont cause she didnt show no sign of sickness....but i knew it was her time was coming when she didnt want come with me riding on gulf cart nor go riding around like we used too that was sign i caught i knew then she was sick something was wrong with her...but instead of eating alot i work out to keep my mind buzy from thinking and i stay home...i dont go out anymore cause when i look in the back seat she isnt there anymore so its just best for me to stay home my mind is full of memories...
But at times just wish i could see her and touch her and pet her and hold her and just tell her im sorry for not noticing it soon she so she could live a lot longer....
i had planes for her and me i wanted to give her everything if i could and i would give her the prob her own doggy park world ha ha she would be happy with that.. But i have her ashes but its not the same i know she's in the better place no longer suffering...but im alone i know i have my family and friends but Boots was special i could just go to her and talk about anything...but alone....i have other dogs but its not same rite now i stand by myself alone abandon....etc... i lost my best friend boots...